Roll away the stone

I’ve always been a “Daddy’s girl.” As a little girl I wanted to truly belong to God–to listen to His voice and go wherever He wanted me. I had faith so big I thought it would move mountains—literal mountains :). We shared our hearts and dreams and plans.
As I grew older, I still desired to be His, but I wanted to be His and
A good wife.
A great mom.
A loyal friend.
An encouraging sister.
An exceptional writer.
A good teacher.
I had been so wrapped up in being the me I thought others wanted that I stopped paying much attention to the me God called.
ROll away the stone (1)
The me who believed in miracles…
The me who approached The Father’s throne with the heart of a child.
The me who was certain of God’s dream and my own.
I expected Jesus to show up and heal that version of me. But He didn’t.
Over the years, without even realizing it, I buried me. My thoughts went something like this…
I still believe God can work miracles but…
I will ask God but …
I think God said that a long time ago, but things changed…
I thought I was supposed to but…
I’m sure I’m not alone.
Do you know that feeling? …Of expecting Jesus to do something miraculous only to be confused by his delay…
Yes, I thought so.
Friend, Jesus invites me and you to take Him to the tomb.
He invites us to see things from His perspective.
As I stood there at the tomb, grieving my losses, I heard him say, “Roll away the stone.”
And then I hear Him call my name.
In the stillness, in the darkness of the present circumstances there is a stirring. There is a promise, a rebirth. The voice of the Savior calls out and shakes free me free of the dirt of death. I stretch out from my sleepy grave and follow the light of His love.
I emerge slowly, …A little wobbly. …A little hobbly. …Still needing to be completely unwrapped.
But fully alive.
And you know what? I realized the only me I need to be is His. I just need to show up as my Daddy’s Girl.
In every situation.
In every relationship.
In every expectation.
And He will take care of the rest. The best me is the me that is His alone.
So what’s behind your stone? Can you hear the Voice of Truth finding the real you?
His Words make all the difference!

6 thoughts on “Roll away the stone

  1. Jean Reahm says:

    Beautiful post! Love you to bits.  Hug all those gorgeous babies and tell them Mama Jean thinks they are the best of the best…just like their mom!

    Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android


  2. Jerry says:

    Perfect timing to let this sink in. I been spending the last 11 days “rolling away the stone”. Thank you!


  3. K. Elise Andrews says:

    What an awesome piece. What wisdom! Your true colors- the authenic you” can only shine truer and brighter as you follow on to KNOW Him and the steps He’s ordained for YOU

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